During Microsoft Ignite it was mentioned that the Session Detail reports would start rolling out to Skype for Business Online tenants this week. As promised, Session Details (Preview) started lighting up under the Report section of the Skype for Business Online admin center.
To generate a report, the User and From data/time fields are required before clicking submit.
The User field dropdown will filter on the fly as you type more characters for the sip address. The From and End fields have separate date and time buttons.
After filling in your search criteria, click submit.
Available details:
- Media Types Description
- Start Time
- End Time
- From Uri
- To Uri
- From Client Version
- To Client Version
- Conference Url
- Session
- StartTime
- ConferenceURI
- IsFromReceived
- FromOS
- FromCPUName
- FromCPUNumberOfCores
- FromCPUProcessorSpeed
- FromVirtualizationFlag
- PossibleDataMissing
- EndTime
- MediationServerBypassFlag
- IsToReceived
- ToOS
- ToCPUName
- ToCPUNumberOfCores
- ToCPUProcessorSpeed
- ToVirtualizationFlag
- MediaLines
- MediaLineLabelText
- MidCallReport
- Transport
- Security
- FromConnectivityIce
- ToConnectivityIce
- FromPort
- ToPort
- FromRelayIPAddr
- ToRelayIPAddr
- FromRelayPort
- ToRelayPort
- FromCaptureDev
- ToCaptureDev
- FromCaptureDevDriver
- ToCaptureDevDriver
- FromRenderDev
- ToRenderDev
- FromRenderDevDriver
- ToRenderDevDriver
- FromVPN
- FromLinkSpeed
- ToLinkSpeed
- FromNetworkConnectionDetail
- ToNetworkConnectionDetail
- FromIPAddr
- ToIPAddr
- FromBssid
- ToBssid
- FromReflexiveLocalIPAddr
- ToReflexiveLocalIPAddr
- FromWifiDriverDeviceDesc
- ToWifiDriverDeviceDesc
- FromWifiDriverVersion
- ToWifiDriverVersion
- FromWifiRSSI
- ToWifiRSSI
- FromSSID
- FromWifiChannel
- ToWifiChannel
- FromActivePowerProfile
- ToActivePowerProfile
- FromWifiHandovers
- ToWifiHandovers
- FromWifiChannelSwitches
- ToWifiChannelSwitches
- FromWifiChannelReassociations
- ToWifiChannelReassociations
- FromWifiRadioFrequency
- ToWifiRadioFrequency
- FromWifiSignalStrength
- ToWifiSignalStrength
- PossibleDataMissing
- AudioStreams
- AudioFECUsed
- AudioSampleRate
- BandwidthEst
- BurstDensity
- BurstDuration
- BurstGapDensity
- BurstGapDuration
- ConcealedRatioMax
- DegradationAvg
- DegradationMax
- JitterBufferSizeAvg
- JitterBufferSizeMax
- JitterInterArrival
- JitterInterArrivalMax
- PacketLossRate
- PacketLossRateMax
- OverallAvgNetworkMOS
- PacketUtilization
- PayloadDescription
- PossibleDataMissing
- RatioConcealedSamplesAvg
- SendListenMOS
- RoundTrip
- RoundTripMax
- AudioClientEvents
- CPUInsufficientEventRatio
- DeviceCaptureNotFunctioningEventRatio
- DeviceClippingEventRatio
- DeviceEchoEventRatio
- DeviceGlitchesEventRatio
- DeviceHalfDuplexAECEventRatio
- DeviceHowlingEventCount
- DeviceLowSNREventRatio
- DeviceLowSpeechLevelEventRatio
- DeviceMultipleEndpointsEventCount
- DeviceNearEndToEchoRatioEventRatio
- DeviceRenderMuteEventRatio
- DeviceRenderNotFunctioningEventRatio
- DeviceRenderZeroVolumeEventRatio
- NetworkBandwidthLowEventRatio
- NetworkDelayEventRatio
- NetworkReceiveQualityEventRatio
- NetworkSendQualityEventRatio
- PossibleDataMissing
- SubmittedByFromUser
- AudioSignals
- AudioMicGlitchRate
- AudioSpeakerGlitchRate
- EchoEventCauses
- PossibleDataMissing
- RecvNoiseLevel
- RecvNoiseLevelCh1
- RecvNoiseLevelCh2
- RecvSignalLevel
- RecvSignalLevelCh1
- RecvSignalLevelCh2
- RenderLoopbackSignalLevel
- RenderNoiseLevel
- RenderSignalLevel
- SendNoiseLevel
- SendNoiseLevelCh1
- SendNoiseLevelCh2
- SendSignalLevel
- SendSignalLevelCh1
- SendSignalLevelCh2
- SubmittedByFromUser
- VsEntryCauses
- AppSharingStreams
- AverageRectangleHeight
- AverageRectangleWidth
- CaptureTileRateTotal
- Inbound
- IncomingFrameRateTotal
- IncomingTileRateTotal
- JitterInterArrival
- JitterInterArrivalMax
- Outbound
- OutgoingFrameRateTotal
- OutgoingTileRateTotal
- PacketLossRate
- PacketLossRateMax
- PacketUtilization
- PayloadDescription
- PossibleDataMissing
- RDPTileProcessingLatencyTotal
- RoundTrip
- RoundTripMax
- ScrapingFrameRateTotal
- SpoiledTilePercentTotal
- VideoClientEvents
- NetworkBandwidthLowEventRatio
- NetworkReceiveQualityEventRatio
- PossibleDataMissing
- SubmittedByFromUser
- VideoMediaLineLabel
- VideoStreams
- BandwidthEst
- CIFQualityRatio
- DurationSeconds
- DynamicCapabilityPercent
- HD720QualityRatio
- IsAggregatedData
- JitterInterArrival
- JitterInterArrivalMax
- LowBitRateCallPercent
- LowFrameRateCallPercent
- LowResolutionCallPercent
- NoneDropRatio
- PacketLossRate
- PacketLossRateMax
- PacketUtilization
- PayloadDescription
- PossibleDataMissing
- UseForCallClassification
- RecvBitRateAverage
- SendBitRateAverage
- RecvBitRateMaximum
- SendBitRateMaximum
- RecvCodecTypes
- SendCodecTypes
- RecvFrameRateAverage
- SendFrameRateAverage
- RecvResolutionHeight
- SendResolutionHeight
- RecvResolutionWidth
- SendResolutionWidth
- RoundTrip
- RoundTripMax
- SendVideoStreamsMax
- VGAQualityRatio
- VideoBitRateAvg
- VideoBitRateMax
- VideoFrameLossRate
- VideoFrameRateAvg
- VideoMediaLineLabelText
- VideoPacketLossRate
- VideoPostFECPLR
- VideoResolution
- TraceRoutes
- Hop
- IPAddress
- PossibleDataMissing
- SubmittedByFromUser
- TraceRouteMediaLineLabelText
- UserFeedbackReports
The data can also be exported to Excel or the table grouped by dragging and dropping a column. The arrow direction in the first column is backwards with the arrow pointing up to indicate the ability to expand and pointing down to condense, the sub items have the correct arrow direction.